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Angarrack Flood Plan 2018

Note OCR used - please check original


Flood Plan

The purpose of this plan is principally to alleviate the effects of flooding from the Angarrack river and surface water run-off, for residents of 3 properties in Hatch’s Hill and several properties in Riverside. Copies of this flood plan will be made available to all affected residents and holiday homes for the benefit of guests.

Angarrack Flood Risk Assessment

Hazard Likelihood Severity Consequence
Flooding from Angarrack river via Northern tributary Flooding from heavy, intense, prolonged rain During periods of very high Rainfall, flash storms can be severe Properties and adjacent roads may be affected
Hazard Likelihood Severity Consequence
Flooding from surface water run-off Dependent on amount and height of river level Could be severe in Hatch’s Hill area Properties and adjacent roads may be affected
Hazard Likelihood Severity Consequence
Flooding from culvert overflow Flooding in heavy, continuous rain, if blockage occurs During periods of prolonged heavy rain, could be severe Properties and adjacent roads may be affected
The main risks are flooding from Angarrack River via its Northern tributary and from surface water run-off when the drains cannot cope. This flood plan deals with these threats. Some surface water drains discharge into the river, the level of which can rise quickly during long periods of heavy rainfall, preventing the surface water dispersing and putting several properties at risk.


Flood Management Procedures

  • Debris catcher installed on upstream side of culvert.
  • CCTV installed on upstream side of culvert and monitored by the EA.
  • The penstock gate on the culvert is normally closed to prevent flows into the river.
  • The Environment Agency currently keeps the culvert clear and strims the river bank twice a
  • Volunteer Flood Wardens will monitor the river and culvert and report issues to the EA.
  • Riparian owners have been advised of their responsibility to keep the river clear.
  • Road drains cleared annually and also when necessary.
  • Volunteer Flood Wardens will monitor the drains and report any blockages to Highways.
  • Additional drains installed on Hatch’s Hill.
  • Flood Proof doors fitted to nos. 2 and 3 Hatch’s Hill

Desirable additional measures, not yet implemented:

  • Extend the drain pipe in the river, by the road bridge, to increase capacity for surface water to drain away.
  • Restore the ’throttle’ device on the Northern tributary, to slow down excessive flows.
  • Clear excess silt in the river, by and under the
    road bridge, to increase capacity.


Sandbags and a pump are available, particularly
for nos. 2 and 3 Hatch’s Hill.

During periods of expected heavy or prolonged rainfall, the following procedures will be followed.

Monitoring Process

Residents can sign up for an alert from the Floodline Warnings Direct service provided by the EA

  • A 10 Point Household Flood Action Plan has been provided to all households at risk.
  • Copies of this Flood Plan will be supplied to all households at risk.
  • Flood Wardens will monitor the state of the river and surface water and cascade warnings as necessary.

Action during flooding process

Matters that will need to be considered:

  1. To alert the Emergency Services and other
    responders such as Fire and Rescue, Highways, Police, Environment Agency, Western Power and Cornwall Council’s Emergency Planning as necessary.
  2. To man any affected roads to stop drivers and advise them not to proceed, until the emergency services take over.
  3. To liaise with the Emergency Services on their arrival and during the event.
  4. If there is a need for a designated rest centre, Angarrack Community Centre/Methodist Church will be used.

Clear up process

  • To consult with agencies and report issues.
  • To remove road closure equipment
  • To ensure drains/gullies are clear - contact Cornwall Council if not.

Maintenance of equipment
between events

  • To ensure drains/gullies that effect the area are kept clear of debris and report any problems to the EA or CC.

Revision of plan

This is a working document and willbe reviewed on a regular basis, not less than annually.

Emergency Contact Information

Cornwall Council Emergency Planning

Cornwall Council Highways (24 hours)
0300 1234 222

Cornwall Council General Enquiries
0300 1234 100

Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
999 (non-emergency: 101)

Cornwall Fire & Rescue 999
South Western Ambulance Service 999

Environment Agency (Flooclline)
0345 988 1188 or 0845 988 1188

Environment Agency
(Incident Line 0800 807 060)

Hayle Town Council - Clerk: Ellie Giggal
01736 755005

Village contacts in the event of an emergency in Angarrack

Chris Bray - 4 x 4
01736 753306

Chris Bray - Chainsaw
01736 753306

Brian Capper ~ Community Centre keyholder
01736 753838 / 07753 814999

Tony Uren - Community Centre keyholder
01736 753914 / 07971 920996

Malcolm Bryant - Community Centre keyholder
01736 753788


Flood Plan Summary

The purpose of the flood plan is to alleviate the effects of flooding from the Angarrack river and surface water run-off caused by heavy rain. A Residents Flood Group has been set up to implement the flood plan and liaise with Cornwall Council and the Environment Agency (EA). Members of the Flood Group alsso act as Flood Wardens to support the community in the event of a flood alert or flood.

Angarrack Flood Management Procedures and Infrastructure

  • A debris catcher is installed on the upstream side of the culvert.
  • CCTV is installed on the upstream side of culvert and monitored by the EA.
  • The penstock gate on the culvert is normally closed to prevent flows into the river.
  • The Environment Agency currently keeps the culvert clear & strims the river bank twice a year.
  • Volunteer Flood Wardens monitor the river and culvert and report issues to the EA.
  • Riparian (river) owners have been advised of their responsibility to keep the river clear.
  • Road drains are cleared annually and also when necessary by Highways.
  • Volunteer Flood Wardens will monitor the drains and report any blockages to Highways.
  • Additional drains have recently been installed on Hatch’s Hill.

Flood Group Actions during periods of  expected heay or prolonged rainfall

  • Raising awareness within the community when  the risk of flooding is likely.
  • Ensuring that the 10 Point Household
    Flood Action Plan has been provided to all households at risk and support them with its implementation if requested.
  • Providing copies of the Flood Plan to all households at risk.
  • Flood Wardens will monitor the state of the river and surface water and cascade warnings as necessary.

Flood Group Actions during flooding

  • To alert the Emergency Services and other responders such as Fire and Rescue, Highways, Police, Environment AGENCY: Western Power and Cornwall Council's Emergency Planners as necessary.
  • To monitor any affected roads to stop drivers and advise them not to proceed, until the emergency services take over.
  • To liaise with the Emergency Services on their arrival and during the event.
  • If there is a need for a designated rest centre, Angarrack Community Centre/Methodist Church will be used.

If you wish to support your community
further and become an active member of the
Angarrack Flood Group please contact

Cllr Brian Capper - 01736 753838



Your 10-point

household flood action plan

Following a meeting of a focus group comprising members of your local flood group, the following 10 things have been identified as the things that you, as an Angarrack resident can do to maximise your resilience to flooding.

  1. Ensure that you have made arrangements for sand bags or other temporary protection to be available to you at short notice.
  2. Investigate the purchase of ’Property Level Protection’ such as flood doors/barriers, pumps, non-return valves and air brick covers.
  3. Ensure that you understand and are content with your level of insurance cover for flooding.
  4. Register with the EA to receive flood warnings for your property and monitor the media and internet for weather alerts.
  5. Make yourself aware of the Angarrack Community Flood Plan, how it applies to you and how you may be able to support it.
  6. Keep a list of important telephone and policy/account numbers in a place that you can easily find them.
  7. Find out the most likely causes of flooding to your property and the physical trigger signs that may indicate a flood is possible.
  8. Find out who to contact to report potential causes of flooding in your community such as blocked drains or watercourses.
  9. Understand the dangers to you and those who depend on you associated with flooding and flood water.
  10. Lobby local politicians and authorities to carry out necessary works to minimise flood risk and force riparian owners to meet their responsibilities.

Jn37561 Nov14

Cornwall Community

Flood Forum


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Surface Water Flood Map - Angarrack Flood Plan 2018
Fluvial (river) Flood Map - Angarrack Flood Plan 2018
Emergency Contacts - Angarrack Flood Plan 2018
Angarrack Flood Group - Angarrack Flood Plan 2015

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