Village News

Christmas Lights

Chronology: SW



  1. 1827-10-28 South West

    [1] At Boscastle (Cornwall) it was reported: “One of the most awful days I ever experienced at Boscastle. It rained very heavily in the morning & whilst we were in the Chapel increasingly so - when about to leave the whole street was filled with a body of water rolling down & carrying all materials with - that devastation & ruin were its concomitants - by about 1 o’clock the rain ceased leaving the fine McAdamised road in complete ruin from Polrunny to Dunn Street. At Bridge teams of Wagon Horses were saved with difficulty. Pigs also belonging to the Cottagers were taken out of ye Roofs of Houses. Mr Langford & Cottagers the West side of the Bridge suffered much. But thro the goodness of God on the East River [Valency] the waters were raised but little & our property preserved in safety - I would mark the finger of Divine providence & acknowledge his loving kindness.”

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: Journal of Thomas; Pope Resevear

  1. 1841-11-29 South West

    [1] We had several days of very leavy rain during the last week and on 29th many parts of the town [Truro] were flooded in some places to several feet. The streams became rapidly swollen and on the bare roads and fields the waters rushed in torrents tearing up roadways and breaking down hedges and other fences. Damage was done by lightning. St Clements parsonage was flooded, rushing completely through the house and carrying the furniture afloat through the windows which were forced out. [2] Place Exeter: low lands completely flooded and brooks much swollen. In St Thomas’s some houses were 2 to 3 feet deep. [3] Coryton Bridge near Lifton was washed away. [4] Place Crediton: The bourn of this town rose in an incredibly short space of time and although widened in recent years flooded many houses. The bridge over the Creedy on the Tiverton road has been partially washed away. At Sampford Courtnay part of the Inn house which adjoins a small brook was swept away. [5] Place Sandford: The Star Inn was inundatedto 4 feet by the stream that supplies St Swithen’s Shute where the water rose higher than ever known. [6] Place Jacobstowe: the River Oak rose higher than ever known and the bridge was washed away. A boy was drowned crossing a bridge. [7] Place Colebrooke: The River Colne has overflown its banks in many places. Such was the suddenness of the storm that cattle were washed away. Four bridges have been swept away. In the village of Coleford seven or eight buildings are destroyed by the Coleford Water. [8] Zeal Monachorum: Three drowned whilst trying to cross a flooded bridge in a carriage. [9] Place Tiverton: The greater part of Westexe was flooded by the rush of water from the neighbouring hills and from the catholic chapel to the mills on the Exeter Road the streets for nearly a mile were 12 to 18 inches deep in water. This subsided then the River Loman rose to a greater height than remembered by the oldest inhabitant. Bridges at Swinebridge and Chattiscombe are washed away. [10] Place Cornwall: at Penryn the water on some roads was 4 feet deep. At Helston houses were washed away; a woman was drowned in her own parlour. At Goran Mevagissy and Liskeard much property was destroyed.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: R Cornwall Gaz 3 Dec; Western Times 4 Dec

  1. 1842-06-20 South West

    [1] Boscastle was visited by a tremendous thunderstorm which continued for about one hour. The waters rose higher than could be remembered in the last 20 years. [2] Stratton Bude and neighbouring areas were also affected by thunderstorms. Heavy floods have swept off fields of newly mown grass.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: R Cornwall Gaz 24 Jun

  2. 1842-09-03 South West

    [1] Looe and neighbourhood were hit by severe thunderstorms with heavy hail and rain. Lightning killed a farm worker and near St Austell two children were killed. At Falmouth such rain and large pieces of ice fell that boats had to be bailed to out to prevent sinking.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: Yorkshire Gazette 10 Sep

  1. 1844-06-23 South West

    [1] River Dart: Ashburton (date uncertain): Clouds appeared at about 11am, then heavy rain 'like a waterspout' at noon. Rain lasted about an hour. Weather had previously been hot and sunny. After just a few minutes, the 'long-dry water courses' could not carry the stream. The lower part of the town by the Shambles was flooded. [2] After a sultry and oppressive day on 23rd a thunderstorm of unusual violence affected the whole of the county. It began around 6 pm and reached a height about 8 pm with torrents of rain. It was nearly calm throughout. No flood damage was reported. A horse was killed by lightning at Tywardreath. [3] On 26 Jun a thunderstorm at Truro turned the streets into rivers, flooding cellars and underground kitchens. The raingauge at the Royal Institution registered 2.58 inches in not quite an hour whilst at Alveston to total amounted to nearly 3 inches.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: CBHE; Exeter Flying Post; R Cornwall Gaz 28 Jun

  1. 1846-07-09 South West

    [1] River Fal River Gannel: 'FEARFUL CATASTROPHE: THIRTY-NINE PERSONS DROWNED: During the storms caused by the overcharged atmosphere, the following fearful catastrophe occurred at the East Wheal Rose Silver and Lead Mine, about eight miles north of Truro, in consequence of a violent thunderstorm bursting over the mine and the immediate vicinity, the rain falling in torrents. The workings of the mine run north and south through the middle of a natural amphitheatre, with only one outlet, a narrow ravine at the north. The rain, which appeared to fall in almost solid masses, poured in on the basin in which the mine is situate from all the hills around, and the outlet was insufficient for the rapidly accumulated waters; the storm altogether lasted but little more than an hour, and was so partial as scarcely to extend beyond the limits of the hills which encircle the site of the mine; yet so great was the accumulation of water, that a complete torrent poured down the shaft of the mine, flooding the works. At the time, 200 miners, men and lads, were down below. The rush of air caused by the entry of the water, and its breaking down large portions of the mine, put out the lights; but the people in the higher levels groped their way to the bottom of the shaft, where every exertion was made to draw them up. In the evening there were still forty-three missing; four came up early next morning; the remaining thirty-nine were drowned, or buried under the earth which fell on the flood's washing away the supports of the galleries. The mine was 100 fathoms deep, and it was flooded to above the 50-fathom level.' [R. Gannel headwater]; the thunderstorm lasted about an hour and a half from about 1p.m.and consequent surface flooding alone caused tailings erosion, washed timber down to Metha Bridge, and moved large boiler plates up several feet into a fence. A Coroner's inquest was held into the disaster below ground, which looked at issues such as diversion leat management Douch notes ' It is impossible to conceive of the immense volume of water which all agreed was as nothing they had ever before seen. Naturally the Coroner asked if there had been no means of warning those underground as to what was happening. Ralph Richards replied that this could not have been done without endangering more lives and every effort, once the inundation began, was unavailing because the water poured over all the ground around. The first sign of acute danger was the iruption itself']. [2] A further detailed description of the setting is provided in Royal cornwall Gazette of 17 Jul. An observer said that from the high ground 2 miles north of the mine on the Perran Road he saw a waterspout. The flood also broke down a substantial bridge built two years previously on the new road westward to Zelah. The storm lasted an hour and a half but at Zelah which is 2 miles west there was no rain and at Mitchell about 1 ½ miles east the rain was slight.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: CBHE; Annual Register ...of the year 1846 (1847) Chronicle section .Published F. and J. Rivington, London; Douch (1964); Royal Cornwall Gazette 17 Jul

  1. 1849-02-28 South West

    [1] At Truro on 28th after heavy rain the lower part of Kenwyn Street, St Nicholas Street and River Street were flooded (as they were in December last). Many houses were flooded to a depth of some feet. Inhabitants were prepared and move furniture to upper rooms. The lower rooms of Queens Head were flooded.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: R Cornwall Gaz 2 Mar

  1. 1849-04-09 South West

    [1] Newlyn was visited by a very violent thunderstorm with hail mixed with rain lasting 2 ½ hours. Very localised – hardly extended 2 miles east or west of the village. Fears were expressed for the East Wheal Rose Mine but the new leat was sufficient to carry the flow.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: Ex & Ply Gaz. 14 Apr

  1. 1865-04-22 South West

    [1] A thunderstorm passed over Boscastle followed by such torrents of rain as had not been seen for the last 40 years. The streams were so overflown that the flood entered most of the houses in the lower part of the town. The water was 4 to 5 feet deep in some of the cottages. The rain began to descend about 1 oclock and was over a little after 2 oclock.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: R Cornwall Gaz 28 apr

  1. 1869-01-30 South West

    [1] The highest spring tide in 37 years occurred in Cornwall with severe coastal flooding.In Truro the lower parts of the town were under water for several hours. The lower part of Wadebridge was also flooded including the iron foundry.At Saltash the flood extended into Tamar Street and into the Battery. Many places were also flooded in Devon and there were shipwrecks at sea. [2] In Devon strong winds caused serious damage and heavy rain caused flooding at various places. The Teign was in high flood. The Dart was in flood at Totnes and the Plains, New Walk, Warland, Bowling Green Town Marsh and Cellars with adjoining houses were flooded; Fore St was flooded. [3] Flooding also occurred from high waves on the coast at Dawlish, Teignmouth, Kingsbridge, Salcombe, Plymouth and Devonport

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: R Cornwall Gaz 2 Feb; Exeter flying Post 3 Feb

  2. 1869-05-27 South West

    [1] Following heavy rainfall earlier in the month a thunderstorm occurred on parishes adjoining the estuary of the River Camel including St Issey, Little Petherick and Padstow. At St Minver 0.80 inches fell in 1 hour. It has washed away the soil from fields, overthrown hedges and torn up the roads. At Padstow the storm was far more destructive that at St Minver. The rainfall did not extend far to the east.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: R Cornwall Gaz. 3 Jun

  1. 1870-08-07 South West

    [1] Thunderstorm and ‘great flood’ in Camborne. The rain started after 3 pm and within a few minutes the streets became impassable, houses were flooded and furniture was floating around in rooms. Union Street which is 40 feet wide was covered from side to side for its whole length and was torn up. The river which flows through Tuckingmill overflowed and the Wesleyan Sunday School building was flooded. The ‘stream works’ between Dolcoath Mine and Gwithian was seriously damaged. The flood does not appear to have extended more than 4 square miles.

    Rainfall: In a short space of one hour, 1.84 inches had fallen

    Source: R Cornwall Gaz 13 Aug

  1. 1875-01-01 South West

    [1] The most remarkable event was the great flood on new Year’s Day when the whole valley below St Austell was flooded with roads impassable for several days with sediment from the clay works distributed downstream. Elsewhere the precipitation fell as snow.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: BR

  1. 1894-11-11 South West

    [1] River Exe: During the early hours of Monday 13 November following a prolonged storm of rain and hail, the Exe rose within 9 inches of the October 1960 flood and Cowick St Alphington St Exe St Tudor St and Frog St were all mentioned as being flooded to various depths [2] River Dart: Much damage in S. Devon. A boy and 30 sheep drowned, four bridges washed away at Lanwet, also the Wesleyan Chapel at Ruthern' [3] River Tavy: Rainfall observer at Tavistock (Rose Villa) noted in reviewing the month: 'Warm, damp, and very wet; rain was measured daily till the 16th amounting to 9.17 in. In the three days ending 9 a.m. on the 14th 5.49 in. fell A flood three feet higher than for at least 50 years occurred in the river Tamar about midnight on the 12th...' November Rainfall observer at Empacombe, Devonport, noted 'Exceptionally rainy. On 7th 1.08 in. fell; on 11th 1.90 in., and on 13th 1.25 in. These rains caused very disastrous floods. In the 26 days ending on 14th, 12.00 in. of rain fell”. [4] Launceston (Cornwall): The driver of a waggon with three horses attempted to cross the Eary, they were all washed away and one horse was drowned.' [5] River Fal River Kenwyn: 'During the week ending' 13th November 1894 ‘ 6.73 inches (171mm) fell' [at Truro, River Kenwyn]. Between 9.00 am on the 11th and 9.00 on the 12th 'the fall amounted to 2.36 inches' (60mm). Stressing the importance of wet antecedent conditions in causing floods on this catchment the article states that; the October 1880 storm 'had not such disastrous effects as the present, as it was not preceded by so much rain'. By the 12th 'the streams had risen to such an extent that the houses at the east side of St Georges Road were inundated, the shops in River Street ... were almost knee deep through the stream having become choked and forced its way through the floors of houses'. It is not clear whether choked means with debris or just too much water. At Moresk road people were rescued from their houses by boat. At Grampound the Fal tributary overflowed its banks and people on the western side of the bridge had to be taken from their houses in carts. [6] November Rainfall observer at Penzance (Trevean) noted: 'Rain 9.61 in., probably the heaviest in the century and causing such floods as were a new experience in West Cornwall.' Rainfall observer at Redruth (Trewergie) noted 'In the first 14 days, 8.25 in. of rain fell, and considerable damage was done by floods in the valleys.' [7] Scilly Isles: From 3 p.m., 11th, to 3 p.m., 12th, 4.03 in. of rain fell' [8] 'Newlyn (Cornwall) The water in some of the houses was 4 ft., and in one 5 ft. 6 in. deep' Street An Nowan was converted into a river with flow so high boats could not proceed. [9] St Dennis: China clay Works drowned and Mineral railway stopped by collapse of the banks. [10] Place Perranport: The valley from Perranport to Bolingley was a complete lake, Bolingley Mill was swamped as were many houses. [11] St Colomb: River overflowed and houses flooded. [12] Place Redruth: two children had to be resuced out of St Agnes vicarage. [13] Place Wadebridge: St Breok church was flooded to the top of the pews. Polmoria House and the Bible Christian Chapel were flooded. [14] Place Mevagissey: The town was under water almost. [15] 'St Just (Cornwall): Tremendous rain on the night of the 11th, and in the forenoon of the 12th. Houses flooded, bridges washed away, and the Levant mine flooded. [16] 'Helston (Cornwall): serious flooding in many streets, the ground floors filled with water; the gas works inundated and the supply stopped'. [17] 'Truro (Cornwall): Scores of houses flooded, anfd boats used to remove residents.' [18] Place 'Penzance: Highest flood at 11 a.m., after 15 hours of continued rain. Very many houses flooded, and numerous small buildings carried away.' Penzance daily rainfall 2.33 inches . [19] 'Looe (Cornwall): A passenger train was stopped by a gate which had floated onto the line; this was removed, and the train proceeded, but in a few minutes the flood put out the engine fire.' [20] River Camel River West Cornwall: : ' .. A culvert burst under the Cornwall railway near St Erth (R. Hayle), and as the line was under water the driver of a goods train could not see the broken track, and his train ran into it and was upset.' [21] 'Bodmin (Cornwall): Train service with Wadebridge stopped; an omnibus with three horses was started to carry the passengers, but the road was so flooded that the horses got into a field, and , as well as the passengers, had to be removed by a boat, the omnibus being left behind.' [22] 'St Agnes (Cornwall): Two feet of water in the streets.' [23] “St Breoke [sic] Church, Wadebridge (Cornwall): Flooded to the level of the top of the pews' [lower R. Camel tributary] [24] 'Bude ( Cornwall): The school was flooded up to the level of the desks, and there was three feet of water in the Post Office...' [25] 'St Ives (Cornwall): ...there is said to have been 6 ft. of water in Tregenna Place, and 9 ft. in the Stennack....Dr Nicholls reports a [rain]fall of 2.93 in., ...the full explanation of the disaster [graphically shown in a frontispiece] seems to be that the rainfall of the Rosewarne and Zennor collected in the reservoir for the old Consols mine, and that its bank gave way, the culvert below became obstructed by refuse placed on the bank of the stream, which, having been thus choked, was diverted on to the main road, down which it soon tore a gorge 5 ft. deep, and nearly as many in width, and when it reached the town, gas and water pipes were exposed and broken....' A perfect torrent broke away from half way up the Stennack close by Umbula Place and poured with a loud roar down the main streets which were in a moment flooded.At the Western hotel divide a portion went down Gabriel Street and the other down Chapel Street and into High Street to the sea. Huge rocks were carried to the lower streets. The water was perhaps deepest in Greencourt. All along the street occupants had to be moved by boats. In chapel Street water was up to the higher windows.The roads are cut to a depth of four or five feet in places. At the Stennack houses were flooded half way up the lower rooms and one house had the front washed away leaving the front rooms hanging. The torrent came down Towednack Road and throughSt ives Consols Mine where several bridges have been washed away. The photo of floding in St Ives is from St Ives Trust Archive Studies Centre and printed in Western Morning News Nov 16 2002. [26] Place Newlyn: from wWestern Morning News 30 Nov 1996 showing Rev Carah helping flood victims. [27] Place Padstow: Worst remembered flood even by 90 year olds. An old mill leat had burst open and water ran down Church Lane, Market Street and the Strand into the harbour. The old Manor Mill opposite Porthcuthan Bay was completely washed away. Bridges at Trenairn and Harlyn Bay and Trevone Bay were washed away. [28] Rumford St Ervan: The Wesleyan chapel was flooded and a portion of Rumford bridge carried away. [29] Place Ponsanooth: The Kennal valley from Stithians to Ponsanooth was completely under water and low lying houses flooded. At perranwharf the Turnpike Road was covered to a sufficient depth that a large boat could be used. Huge boulders were tossed along with thunderous sounds. [30] Carnon valley: Bissoe bridge, a historic structure, was washed away but the flood effect was made worse by the accumulation of mine debris which reduced the bridge opening. [31] St Austell river: Twenty years ago the river broke out in a similar way but the damage was trifling compared to the present. Springs burst out in the most extraordinary places, at high Cross Point, at Bullring, the White hart hotel etc. At three miles out of town the cemented floor of a cottage was heaved up in the centre and water came out up to a foot in depth. [32] Roche Road to St Austell flooded and houses and shops flooded. [33] Crowlas between Hayle and Penzance was flooded with houses flooded to 3 or 4 feet with water entering from front and back doors. At the PO the water reached the bottom of the safe where stamps are kept. At ninnie’s General Dealer the water reached the fourth stair. [34] Serious landslips occurred along the coast and int claypits. [35] River Okement: Okehampton : Gas Works flooded [36] Bissick Ladock: Flooding of houses worse than the oldest inhabitant can remember. Turnpike road flooded to 18 inches for more than a mile. [37] Place Exeter: No flood since 1866 so high in Exeter. Large areas of St Thomas were flooded; walls were laid low and gardens washed out. The problems there are not solely from the river but from local darainage which can find no outlet. At Buller’s Bridge at the Exwick crossing the current touched the level of the roadway but got no higher, never covering the road. [38] Very heavy rain fell at Boscastle on Monday and the lower part of the place literally flooded. The ground floors of the Wellington Hotel, coastguard station, and Bridge Mills were covered with water. The bridge at Boscastle was swamped and was impassable for foot passengers for some time.’

    Rainfall: The fine weather at the beginning of October broke with a storm on 20 Oct with thunder lightning and heavy rain. Since then rain has been registered every day with 12.33 in 2 weeks and 6.73 in one week at the royal institution (Truro?). No mention of thunder on 11-13 Nov. Rain was accompanied by a gale of wind which varied from virtually every point of the compass.; 11 Nov; Kingsbridge 2.67”; Salcombe 2.70”; Paignton 2.55; Sheepstor 3.11”; Penzance St Clare 2.56”; St ives 2.93”; St Just 3.36”; Scilly 2.62”; Bere Ferrers 2.30 in 18 hr; Liskeard 2.92 in 24 hr (2 raindays); Ashburton Druid 6.42” in 2 days; Crewkerne 4.92” in 3 days; Various other totals for 3 and 4 days; RCG 22 Nov gives details of preceding rainfall and wind changes at St ives.

    Source: Brierley (1964); CBHE; BR; Royal Cornwall Gazette 15 Nov 1894 and 22 Nov; Western Times 14 Nov; Launceston Weekly News 17 Nov; Clark (2005)

  1. 1898-10-28 South West

    [1] Several houses inundated at Marazion. Thunderstorms also occurred at St ives and Newlyn West.

    Rainfall: Thunderstorm 1.5 inches of rain at Marazion

    Source: Royal Cornwall gaz. 3 Nov

  1. 1899-08-05 South West

    [1] Widespread thunderstorms in Wales and the Southwest but no serious flooding was reported.. [2] At Penzance the thunderstorm was accompanied by large hail that much glass was broken in churches and greenhouses. At St Mary’s 150 panes were broken. Hail similarly fell at Newlyn. [3] A horse was killed at St Keverne. [4] NDJ also reports severe lightning and animals killed but no reference to flooding. [5] Thunderstorms in Sidmouth, Honiton and Newton Abbot, Bideford, Exmouth and Wellington. Buildings were struck and animals killed but no flooding was reported.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: R Cornwall Gaz 10 Aug; N Devon Journal 10 Aug; Western times 8 Aug

  1. 1920-10-17 South West

    [1] River Gannel: A. P. Jenkin (Cornwall Rainfall Association) provided details of a local thunderstorm, summarised as '...The rainfall was heaviest in a strip about 5 miles wide stretching from Newquay to the Lizard, where the total for the day reached 2 in. ...The storm began at Newquay about 16 h. G.M.T., and lasted until 19 h. During the first hour .93 in. fell and 1.19 in. in the succeeding hour and a half ... A great deal of damage was done by flooding. At Mullion a large culvert burst, hundreds of tons of stones and earth being carried into the harbour, whilst roads were rendered impassable. Floods of 2 or 3 ft. accumulated on roads near Perranporth'. East of Liskeard there was little or no rain. [2] Place Mullion: heavy thunderstorm with torrential rain from 7 to 10 pm. Houses and outlying hamlets were flooded with furniture floating about in rooms. At Mullion cove hundreds of huge boulders were swept into the Michford, hedges were swept down. A bridge was swept away. ‘Such a flood has not been experienced for 50 years’.

    Rainfall: Newquay Mt Wise 1.19” in 1 hr 30 M (2.13” in 2 hr 30 m); Cadgwith Coastguard Stn 1.90“ in 2 hr

    Source: British Rainfall; Cornishman

  1. 1950-08-30 South West

    [1] River Camel: referring back from 1957: '...previous floods at Camelford, in particular that of August 30, 1950, which was much more serious than the 1957 flood though the rainfall was very much less....' [2] Flood mark recorded on wall in the yard at Wenfordbridge Pottery (formerly the Inn)near St Breward: 37cm [3] Camelford, River Camel. A cloudburst resulted in flooding in Fore Street. SUMMARY FROM 'MY CAMELFORD' by H.LANE. Flood height in Fore Street estimated at 125cm (using photograph in 'My Camelford' and measurements by P.Bailey). [4] The remarkable feature of this flood at Boscastle, Camelford and Bude (Cornwall) was the torrential rain, the heaviest in living memory, and the rapidity with which the Valency river rose and burst its banks.Trees 6m (20ft) high were ripped up along the valley and carried along the river, passed through the road bridge but then piled up against the lower bridge forming a dam that then caused the waters to back up into the village. [5] The most remarkable sight at Boscastle were the trees which the Valency River had uprooted from its banks in flooding further up the valley...Trees 20 feet high and more, mostly ash, had been ripped up, and the river was carrying them away, roots and all. The next edition of the same newspaper showed a photograph of this flood event

    Rainfall: No reference in BR to heavy rainfall either in short periods or over a day for 30 Aug

    Source: CBHE; Bleasdale (1957); Lane (Date?); NRA ‘Flooding at Bude 12 June 1993’; Cornish and Devon Post 2 Sep; Clark (2005)

  1. 1954-11-25 South West

    [1] Place Truro: “Storms across Cornwall. Flooding from Kenwyn and Allen. ' [2] WB reports ‘By comparison with localities in East Cornwall and elsewhere in the south of the country, Truro escaped lightly. Storm winds combined with heavy rainfall and caused loss of shipping. The week’s rainfall at Truro was 4.96 inches. This was the wettest week since Nov 1944. [3] In Truro the flooding was the worst for several years; houses in St George’s Rd, Moresk and Old Bridge Street were affected when both Allen and Kenwyn overflowed. Water poured along St George’s Road, Frances Street, Little Castle St and Kenwyn St before returning to the river through the drains in Victoria Place. A dozen houses in the lower part of St George’s villas were affected; Hendra PO (3” deep), Truro garages and some houses on St George’s Road were flooded. One resident who lived there for 14 years said she had never known the water so high. The River Allen overflowed at Moresk by the old isolation hospital; two cottages were flooded to a depth of about 2 feet. Flooding occured later on Old bridge Street. Water did not enter St Mary’s Hall next to Truro Cathedral. [4] In the following days a great gale ravaged the Helston District and at Hayle with reference to damage to roofs but no mention of flooding. [5] Lostwithiel. Flooding occurred from the River Fowey but storm water in Tanhouse Lane flooded houses in Queen St, The Parade, Quay St, Park Road and the lower part of Fore St and North Street up to the churchyard wall. Monmouth and Globe Inns and Kellok’s surgery were surrounded by water 2 feet deep. Skeltons and Pearce’s Garages were flooded. [6] At Probus, Laddock and Grampound the river overflowed. ‘Higher Cottages’ were flooded. Golden Mill Cotttage at Probus was flooded.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: BR; CBHE; West Briton 29 Nov 2 Dec

  1. 1956-08-30 South West

    [1] Thunderstorms were reported from Camborne in Cornwall where a factory was badly damaged by lightning. [2] At Redruth the lower part of the town was flooded. Streets became rivers as drains were inadequate and many properties were flooded. Druid’s House Hotel in Penryn Street had 3-4 feet pf water in its basement. Gas Cottage was flooded from the Leat to more then 1 foot depth. Rooms were flooded in Back Lane and also in Cross Street. [3] Properties were flooded in St Day. [4] Place Mevagissey: torrential rain occurred and Fore Street was almost impassable. The Ship Hotel was flooded to 6 inches depth. A cellar in Tregony Hall was flooded to 2 feet.

    Rainfall: Gwennap Trevince Cornwall 2.87; Rainfall was accompanied by some hail.

    Source: BR; West Briton 3 Sep

  1. 1957-06-08 South West

    [1] River Camel: Camelford (Roughtor View) measured 5.48 inches of rain in 3 hrs. In the same North Cornwall storm Camelford (Advent) measured approximately 5.0 inches and Delabole about 4.0 inches, both in 3 hrs. 'The rainfall measured on the morning of the 9th at Camelford (Roughtor View) was 7.09 in., but very little of the heavy hail was retained by the gauge and it is conservatively estimated that the total fall for the 8th must have been 8.00 in....The gauge at Delabole overflowed on the 8th and the total of 6.00 in. quoted for this station .... is also an estimate.' Camelford (Advent) measured 6.33 in. and Bossiney 2.69 inches on June 8th in the same storm. [2] Place Boscastle: 'In 1957 there was a terrible flood. There had been continuous torrential rain which came down the Valency River from the moors and hills. The power of the water damaged the top bridge [in Boscastle] and flooded surrounding cottages and shops. People were trapped and had to be rescued from their homes. Charlie Berryman, the local bandmaster, drowned when he fell in trying to retrieve a chair.....The building on the left in the picture [of the upper bridge damage] belonged to Mr Pearn and was demolished when the bridge was rebuilt and the road widened following the floods.' Another photo looking down on the village upstream of that bridge shows the flood flow aftermath. Its caption reads 'The first warning was given by Mrs Elizabeth Whitehouse who was riding her horse up the valley, saw the rivers coming and galloped to give advance warning. It came with such a rush, like a huge wave, that no-one had a chance to get furniture out of their rooms. Miss Rachel Beadon was in the call box at the end of the bridge ringing Norman Webber to ask for help, the flood came on so fast that she could not get out...and two of the young fishermen crawled across on the parapet of the bridge with a rope and rescued her. The river overflowed into the whole of the Valency Valley , over the lawns and into cottages, shops and garage, many household items and furniture were washed into the sea.' [3] Fig 1 in Bleasdale (1957) is a storm isohyetal map for 8 June 1957 showing the tributary area covered by over 6 inches of rain. 'A full account of the rainfall and flooding has been received [at the Met. Office] from Mr C.H. Archer of Wooton Courtenay near Minehead, who visited the area twice.....masses of hailstones, some of them congealed into large blocks, were washed about by the flood waters. The photograph facing p 336 shows the result in one place in Camelford, the inn yard, where the hail was piled almost knee deep...' 'The four bridges [over the River Camel] marked c, d, e and f in Fig 1 were either destroyed or damaged. The photographs between pp 336 - 337 show two views taken from opposite directions of Tregoodwell bridge at d after the main flood had subsided. Though the bridge was still passable the damage was severe -- ' one of its main members, a rectangular granite block measuring 9 ft. by 3 ft. by 1 ft. was lifted up, torn from its railing, and hurled transversely across the stream.' But the bridges at a and b were not damaged, as the flood from the upper Camel valley was much less violent. Trecarne bridge at g and others downstream of this point were also not damaged. The very rapid decrease of rainfall to the south-east was further confirmed by the lack of significant flooding on the tributary which joins the Camel at Trecarne after flowing past Devil's Jump. At Camelford there were two floods separated by about 3.5 hr. The first was due to the intense rain at midday in Camelford and the near neighbourhood. It reached its peak within an hour and this was followed after 1330 G.M.T. by a substantial fall. During this flood, water flowing down the main road from the north-west, with a depth of 3 to 6 in. right across the road, flowed over Camelford bridge and into the houses beyond. The second flood came down the River Camel from the upper valley, with a peak corresponding to the maximum rainfall intensity between 1700 and 1800 G.M.T. in that area....' [4] Flood mark recorded on wall in the yard at Wenfordbridge Pottery (formerly the Inn) near St Breward: 114cm. [5] ‘Whitsun Deluge in Cornwall’ [6] Place Camelford: 5 ½ inches rain fell between 1 and 4 pm flooding homes shops and an inn, damaging bridges and cutting off electricity. Firement pumped water out of homes but when the River Camel burst its banks the low-lying part of the town was flooded again. [7] Although Truro had 1.96”, Penzance 1.38” and Falmouth 2.39 but most of the rain was absorbed by the parched land and even those who live in the St George’s road area of Truro were unaffected. [8] Place Penryn: houses were flooded in the lower part of the town including commercial Road and The Praze. The storm water frm the surrounding hills converges into one old mill stream. Houses at the bottom of Truro Lane and in The Praze were flooded. [9] Place Scorrier: The Plume and Feathers was flooded to a depth of 7 inches. [10] Place Helston: Many streets were flooded.In CoinageHall St surcharging drains forced up granite paving slabs. The bar of the Beehive was flooded to a depth of 6 inches. The tarmac in Church St was torn up and houses were flooded in Meneage St and Lower Road. [11] Homes were struck by lightning. [12] Place Camelford: Almost seven years after a similar ordeal (?), Camelford had a freak storm with hailstones as big as ping pong balls. Houses shops, cafes and and inn were flooded to 2 to 3 feet. The hailstones formed themselves into icefloes, choking drains and building up reservoirs for the flood water inundating the lower reaches of the town. Torrential rain and hail fell between 1.30 and 2.30 pm. Water poured down Victoria Road and over the Camel Bridge. Water was pumped out of houses and drains cleared but then the Camel overflowed and swept through the lower parts of the town, worse than before. The Camel carried trees boulders and overtopped the Camel bridge. The water reached its peak at 6 pm. At a wedding reception at the WI Hall guests stood on chairs and the bride on a table as water swept through the hall. A farm at Outground was flooded from a tributary of the River Camel. Residents said they had learned from the previous flood in Aug 1950 that they should remove their goods to a higher floor. ‘This was a more severe storm but the damage was not so great’. ‘The hailstorm was fantastic in its intensity’. The Council Surveyor confirmed that road bridges had been damaged but were passable but several footbridges had been swept away.

    Rainfall: Camelford Roughtor View 5.48 in 3 hrs Tot=c8.00; Camelford Advent c 5.00 in 3 hrs Tot=6.33; Delabole c 4.00 in 3 hrs Tot=c6.00; Bossiney 2.69; 9th; Penryn resvr 3.70; St Austell Poltair Gdns 2.61; The rainfall measured at Roughtor View was 7.09 but very little of the heavy hail was retained in the gauge so theconservative estimate of 8.00 inches is made.; The gauge at Delabole overflowed and the total of 6.00 is also an estimate.

    Source: CBHE; BR; Met Mag 86 339-343; Memories of Boscastle & Tintagel, an illustrated booklet; Bleasdale (1957); West Briton 13 Jun 1957; Camelford and Delabole Post 15 Jun

  1. 1968-07-01 South West

    [1] Extreme hailstorms were reported around the country on 1 and 2 July. This included Cornwall St Stephen and St Dennis near St Austell where hailstones were 50 mm diameter and up to 2 oz. Windows and Perspex roofs were broken. (At Huddersfield on the same day hail with a diameter of 1 ¼ to 1 ½ inches gave 28mm water equivalent in 10 minutes. This storm stretched from Manchester to Teesside. [2] Exebridge – hailstones the size of tennis balls were reported and at Minehead they were up to 50-60 mm in diameter [3] West Cornwall was affected by a freak summer storm, hailstones the size of golf balls shattered windows, a ball of lightning started a fire which destroyed a house and cars were set floating by flood water. [4] Place Redruth: Rivers 18 inches deep surged through the town causing a boiling flood in lower areas in places 5 feet deep. Almost every shop in the lower part of the town was flooded including Knight’s drapery and furnishing store at the corner of Penryn and fore Street. Properties in Back Lane West were badly affected. Along Falmouth Road most of the houses on the eastern side of the street were flooded. Similar effects were noted at Plain-an-Gwarry, North Street, Blight’s Row and at Vauxhall near the Redruth Brewery where flood water carried barrels away.The water pushed up manhole covers and stripped tarmac of roads and piled debris tow to three feet high. The area around the town fromFour lanes to Portreath was also badly hit. [5] Place Carnkie: Two houses beside Carnkie Wesley church were flooded and in one the door was ripped from its hinges. [6] Houses were also flooded at Barncoose, Bridge, Porthtowan [7] Helston was flooded in Church Street where shopkeepers spent the day baling out water. The Tradesmen’s Arms Pool was flooded as water surged under the front door. [8] St Agnes: Low lying areas were flooded to a depth of 2 feet; several people were marooned in their homes. Ladders were use to convey htot drinks to upstairs windows. Quay was closed to traffic when a stream overflowed. [9] Large hailstones were reported at St Dennis (as big as half crowns) and St Columb. (Newquay had no hail) and shattered scores of windows. (Some names were not clear on the photocopies)

    Rainfall: Stoodleigh Court 16.5 in 10 mins; Goosemoor 23.1 in 40 mins

    Source: Webpage; BR; Webb (1993) J Meteorol; West Briton 4 Jul

  1. 1988-10-11 South West

    [1] Truro city centre flooded to a depth of 6 feet (second time in 9 months). No rainfall totals noted but this may refer to rainfall on 8th. (Note Acreman also refers to flooding at Truro in January 1988). [2] On 11 October 1988 another severe thunderstorm hit Mid- Cornwall. This affected St Newlyn East, Bolingey, Perranporth and St Agnes, Chacewater, Calenick and Truro, Pentewan and St Austell. In Perranporth 16 homes were flooded, but Truro was most affected with many homes and businesses under floodwater. The website has a photo of flooded Vicroria Square Truro. [3] Homes shops and offices were flooded at Truro, St Agnes, Calenick, Perranporth and Bolingley and other hamlets (258 days after a similar flood – mid Jan? 1988). Firemen rescued scores of trapped people. A poor photo shows flooding in Victoria Square, Truro. In mid afternoon the water rushed into Victoria Square to a depth of 3 to 4 feet. Fountains of water rused up through drains. One resident said: ‘I saw a huge wave of water rushing into the square, it flowed over everywhere and before long our shop was waist deep in water. Photos also show shops flooded in River Street and St George’s Road. Coosebean House and St George’s Villa’s were flooded. Fifty commercial and 20 residential properties were flooded. [4] Kenwyn at Truro Rank 1 15 m RoR [5] [Western Morning News 27 June 1991 reports the completion of flood defences at Truro consisting of a flood storage dam at New Mill just upstream from the town and improvements to a culvert under River Street, nearly doubling its capacity through the centre of Truro.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: COL; Acreman (1989);; West Briton 13 Oct

  1. 1992-08-29 South West

    [1] During 28th another low left Newfoundland under a 150 knot jet stream. It turned northward on 29th and deepened to 974 mb as it tracked across Ireland. Occluding fronts drove heavy rain across Ireland and Wales overnight. [2] Tiddy at Tinford 1969-2010 AMS Rank 2 AM 40 [3] Over one week at the end of August 1992 severe storms coinciding with high tides led to flooding across Cornwall. Affected communities include Wadebridge, Hayle and Lelant, Newlyn, Penzance and Long Rock, Helston, Falmouth and Penryn, Perranarworthal, Truro, Pentewan, Bugle, St Blazey and Tywardreath, the Glyn Valley and East Taphouse.

    Rainfall: Denbury 41.5

    Source: COL; Hiflows UK;

  1. 1993-06-08 South West

    [1] Areas of thundery rain developed ahead of a cold front moving north across Southwest England causing exceptionally heavy rain in parts of Cornwall early on 9th. Heavy rain occurred in N Wales on 10th with over 5 inches at Llandudno with landslides on the Great Orme and 1000 homes flooded. [2] On 9 June 1993 torrential rainfall caused major flooding in Helston. The intensity of rainfall measured at RNAS Culdrose recorded 125mm of rain in the 9 hours to 0900 as a thundery low moved north from Biscay, 92mm of this in the 2 hours to 0800. Flooding on this day also hit Penzance, Porthleven, St Just and Yeolmbridge. [3] At Porthleven up to 60 properties were flooded up to 2.5 m in depth from surface runoff; 7 residential and 8 commercial properties were flooded from Porthleven Stream including Rosewarne’s Garage and Porthleven Supermarket. There were no previous alleviation works there. Homes were flooded in the Thomas St and Thomas Terrace area (colour photo showing flood mark) and Almshouse Hill. [4] At Helston flooding occurred from an unnamed tributary of the River Cober; 50 properties were flooded up to 2 metres. Several had to be rescued from their houses. The stream is culverted over much of its length and some work had been completed in October 1989 on the tunnel prior to which Helston suffered flooding on average once every 5 years with 15 properties affected but in severe events (unspecified) up to 90 properties to 1 m depth. Residents in Gibson Way were concerned about water building up on farmland behind their homes. [5] Porthleven 9 June 1993 [6] Helston June 1993 Upstream from Tankard Lane.

    Rainfall: Gillan (nr Falmouth) 59.5; Stithians 35.7; Culdrose (C) 125 mm in 12 hours; 91.7 in 2 hrs; 59.1 in 1 hour.

    Source: COL;; NRA ‘Flooding at Porthleven 9 June 1993’ and; ‘Flooding at Helston 9 June 1993’; West Briton

  1. 2002-11-15 South West

    [1] River Exe rose rapidly overnight after heavy rain. Sheep had to be rescued when stranded. Road and rail traffic was disrupted. River Axe was also high. [2] St Ives: River Stennack breached its banks. In two pubs the water reached 1.5 m. ‘The water came down with such a speed’. Locals said it was the worst flooding in a century.The Edward Hain Hospital was affected and some patients transferred. The entire ground floor was flooded including the kitchens. The inshore lifeboat was used to evacuate more than a dozen people from homes. The photo shows Tregenna Place in St ives. WMN shows a photo of a previous major flood in 1894 Nov 12. [3] Also affected were St Erth, Newquay, Padstow, Hayle and Newlyn. [4] St Erth: One family had 2 feet of water in their house. The A 30 between Crowlas and St Erth was closed by flooding. [5] Crowlas (between Hayle and Penzance): Water reached the level of letter boxes. [6] On 13 November 2002 heavy rainfall resulted in fluvial flooding in West Cornwall at Gwithian, St Erth, Lelant, Carbis Bay and St Ives, Nancledra, Newlyn, Penzance and Heamoor and at Marazion, Ludgvan and Crowlas. At Crowlas 20 properties flooded and 6 at Chyandour. 39 properties flooded at St Ives and 9 at St Erth.

    Rainfall: Hayle W cornwall 83.0; Culdrose 45.0; Dunkeswell Devon 46.0; Camborne had more than 30 mm between midday and midnight.

    Source: Western Morning News 14; 15; 16 Nov; Guardian 15 Nov; Cornwall Council; PFRA ANNEX 5 – Chronology of Major Flood Events in Cornwall (2011)

  1. 2003-01-01 South West

    [1] Place Angarrack: A three foot torrent of water swept through the village after a storm drain cover was blown off. Three homes and a garden were flooded. ‘Parts of the village have flooded 6 times in the last 25 years but this is definitely the worst’. [2] Pengersick Castle was flooded to a depth of 2 feet and ancient manuscripts were damaged. [3] Place Crowlas: In the early hours of New Year’s Day the town was flooded for the eighth time in seven weeks. The excessive frequency of flooding was ascribed to changes in farming practices and the removal of hedgerows. [4] Heavy rainfall on New Year’s Eve/Day 2002-2003 resulted in fluvial and surface water flooding, mainly centred on West Cornwall. Affected locations include Fexbury/Bude, Redruth, Lanner and the Portreath Valley, Carnkie, Carn Brea, Illogan and Camborne, Angarrack and Hayle, Relubbus and St Erth, Sennen Cove, Lamorna and Mousehole, Marazion, Praa Sands, Breage and Porthleven, Helston, Gweek, Constantine, Porkellis, Burras and Wendron on the Cober, Budock Water and Falmouth, Tresillian, Goran Haven, St [5] Austell, Par and Luxulyan, Herodsfoot, Pilaton and Lowley Bridge near Launceston. In Helston 20 properties flooded and 8 flooded at Gweek. 7 flooded in Redruth and 10 in Lanner.

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: Cornishman 9 Jan; Western Morning News 4 Jan

  1. 2003-07-25 South West

    [1] Redruth, Gilbert’s Coombe: Floodwater swept through an industrial unit to a depth of 4 feet. One proprietor said his premises had been flooded 4 times since last December. A 12 high wall was demolished by the force of the water. [2] Place Lanner: A huge quantity of water flowed down an unmade lane in Lanner Green and flooded houses and businessesin Lanner Square. The Lanner Green track was scarred with trenches 3 to 4 feet deep and littered with large rocks. [Reference was found to flooding in Lanner on 14 Dec 2000 (no property) and 28 Nov 2002] [3] Place Camborne: At Roseworthy water poured off fields and into the road and flooded a house where the residents said it was the worst in 13 years they had lived there. A photo shows flooding of a road between Praze-an-Beeble and Carnhell Green. [4] Carnbrea, Whitcross Hill: A house was flooded by runoff from adjoining fields, only the second time in 20 years (the first on New Years day – not a flash flood) [5] Camel at Denby Rank 1 60 m RoR

    Rainfall: N/A

    Source: West Briton 31 Jul

  1. 2004-08-16 South West

    [1] August storms in Cornwall, 16 August 2004 [2] This major storm was associated with convergence along the north Cornwall coast as the sea breeze set in after an increasingly warm and humid morning. The storms ran up the coast from just east of the Camel estuary to as far as north Devon, much of the afternoon. The really intense rain was concentrated in a narrow strip, running parallel with, and just inland from, the coast from Boscastle/Crackington Haven. It may be that the change in aspect of the coast at Tintagel, from WNW to NNW had a part to play, tending to make the sea breeze converge upon itself as well as against the SSW gradient wind. Just 10 miles SE of the line of storms many places had under 1mm rain. In fact much of Cornwall had a pleasant day, something that may come as a surprise after the media reports. At my home in Penzance [3] it was a basically a dry and fairly sunny day until late afternoon. The maximum temperature was a pleasant 22.6C and with light southerly winds and some strong sunshine the beaches were busy. [4] The Boscastle flood was a major event by any standards. Around 100 cars were washed through the village, into the harbour, and some out to sea. Buildings were destroyed. 130 people were rescued from roofs and trees by 7 helicopters from Brixham, Chivenor, Culdrose (Helston) and St. Mawgan. (Newquay). 2 lifeboats searched for anybody washed out to sea. All the boats in the harbour were destroyed. As far as all the businesses in the Boscastle area are concerned this year’s tourist season is well and truly over. The famous Witchcraft museum was devastated, whilst the owner, a local coastguard, was busy helping to rescue people from the devastation. The Harbour Lights, the oldest building in Boscastle and dating from the end of the 16th century, was simply washed into the sea despite being built of granite. It's sad to think that Boscastle will never look the same, but it is incredible that no one was killed. At nearby Crackington Haven conditions were just as bad. Cars & caravans were washed into the sea. The owner of the Beach Cafe, his wife, and 2 staff were washed out of the windows and plucked from the sea by lifeguards. Many small villages and hamlets just inland may not have attracted media interest, but still suffered severe flooding. Early media statements of 2 inches of rain where clearly ludicrous, given the scale of what happened. This area, effectively where Bodmin Moor meets the Atlantic, is prone to heavy rainfalls, and 2 inches would not be exceptional. The Environment Agency recorded 200.4mm in 24 hours at Otterham, just inland from Boscastle. 7 inches was reported from an unofficial site in Crackington Haven. [5] A further 40 properties were flooded in Canworthy Water, Bude, Helebridge and Crackington Haven with severe flooding at Otterham,Week St Mary, Marshgate, Millook and Camelford. [6] There is no doubt the shape and position of the SW peninsula plays a large part in the number of intense rainfall events in north Cornwall, north Devon and Somerset. A line of cloud up the peninsula is a normal event in summer, as the sea breeze convergence sets in. I have some photos on my website at . [7] In July 1987 I was at Porthcothan, on the north coast just west of Padstow, where it was sunny all day. Around midday the sea breeze kicked in, and by 1300h thunderstorms had broken out in a line parallel with the coast around 4-8 miles inland, and these continued running NE along this line all afternoon. There was severe flooding near Bodmin. Sometimes the line of showery rain set off by this convergence continues north-eastwards well into central England, as indeed happened on the afternoon of 23 [8] August. In 1957 there was an event of almost identical intensity in the same general area. Camelford recorded 203.2mm, but much of the fall was in form of large hail that was not retained in the rain gauge. The gauge at Delabole overflowed, and the figure of 6 inches quoted was an estimate. The descriptions of the flood were very similar, a wall of water coming down the valley into Boscastle. Possessions were washed out of properties down into the sea. The main difference in 1957 being that there were not dozens of vehicles being washed through the village, and hence less structural damage to buildings. [9] According to the Met. Office other similar serious flooding events that have occurred in the past include: [10] June 1917 Bruton, Somerset (242.8mm in 24 hours) [11] August 1924 Cannington, Somerset (238.8mm in 24 hours) [12] August 1952 Lynmouth, Devon (229.5mm in 24 hours) [13] June 1957 Camelford, Cornwall (203.2mm in 24 hours) [14] On 16 August 2004 the well known Boscastle event occurred. Though less well documented than for Boscastle, flash floods also hit Crackington Haven at the same time. From 16 to 18 August, flooding impacted on Bude, Canworthy Water and Ottersham, Slaughterbridge, Camelford and Tintagel, in North East Cornwall, and also Perranporth, Redruth and Portreath, Camborne and Praze-an-Beeble, Hayle, St Erth, Carbis Bay and St Ives, Crowlas, Marazion, Relubbus and Goldsithney, Helston, Mullion, and Penryn in the west of Cornwall. In Boscastle 60 properties flooded, 5 in Helebridge and many also flooded in Crackington Haven. At Praze-an-Beeble 9 properties flooded. [15] Place Camborne: Tons of mud were washed into Roseworthy affecting houses, from a nearby field. [16] Lanner near Redruth: A river of water came down the main road and affected some houses. [17] East Dart at Bellever Rank 1 15 m RoR [18] Ottery at Werrington Rank 1 15 and 60 m RoR [19] Camel at Denby Rank 1 15 m RoR

    Rainfall: Otterham 200.4; Trevalic Lesnewth 184.9; Trevalec Lesnewth (TBR) 155.8; Creddacott 123.0; Slaughterbridge 76.5; Bude 46.7; (TBR = Tipping Bucket Rain gauge – These understate intense rainfalls. Even so the Lesnewth raingauge recorded 24mm in just 15 minutes ending 1545GMT.)

    Source: COL;; West Briton 19 Aug

  1. 2004-08-17 South West

    [1] 17th August – Storms and flooding – West Cornwall [2] A major storm moved north over west Cornwall, fortunatelynot really affecting Boscastle. 64mm fell at Camborne, 58mm in 3 hours to 2100h. This would normally sound an impressive figure, but after Boscastle, when over 3 times that fell, it sounds almost ordinary! In Penzance I recorded 40.1mm between 1600h on 17th and 0900h on 18th, of which at least 30mm fell between 1830h and 2130h. [3] However I was well west of the heaviest rain, which occurred in a north/south line from Hayle to St Erth to Perranuthnoe (just east of Marazion). There was considerable flooding in this area. The River Hayle burst its banks, and 1 lightning flash killed 15 cows! [4] Graham Easterling Penzance [5] Hayle at St Erth 1957-2010 AMS 1 AM13 [6] Tamar at Gunnislake Rank 1 15 m and 60 m RoR [7] Hayle at St Erth Rank 1 15 and 60 m RoR

    Rainfall: Camborne 67.6; Penzance 41.4

    Source: COL

  1. 2006-08-17 South West

    [1] West Cornwall – Thunderstorms and funnelclouds 17 August 2006 [2] After a brief thunderstorm around 0600GMT most of the day was warm and sunny, with a maximum temperature of 22.3C. There were however large cumulus inland. Around 1500GMT a band of showers approached from the south. These invigorated rapidly as they hit land. A heavy shower around 1540GMT dropped 3mm of rain in 5 minutes. This was quickly followed by a thunderstorm 1615- 1700GMT. This dropped a further 12.6mm, most in around 15 minutes 1630-1645GMT. The thunder passed overhead, [3] giving around 6 very close flashes. A funnel cloud occurred over northern Penzance, passing virtually over my house, and I managed to miss it! The rainfall was much more intense nearby. There was flooding at Gulval, 1 mile east of Penzance, where flash flooding washed mud through houses. There was also flooding at Drift, 2 miles to the west. At Gulval there was also large hail. [4] Funnel Cloud 18 August [5] The 18th was another warm and fairly sunny day in Mount’s Bay, the maximum temperature being 22.7C, not far off the warmest place in the UK. It was fairly still and humid. These temperatures resulted in huge cumulonimbus clouds developing just inland. In particular a virtually stationary, small but intense shower/thunderstorm idled just inland from the west coast of the Lizard peninsula all afternoon. This [6] August 2006 23 was almost certainly due to a 3 way sea breeze convergence. A south westerly onshore breeze on the west coast of the Lizard, south-easterly on the east coast, and a north-westerly breeze blowing in from Hayle on the north coast. In Penzance there was prolonged sunshine, but thunder was audible at times. At 1455GMT there was a clear funnel cloud near the southern edge of this storm, just to the north of Helston. I dashed home to get the camera, but too late. This was widely reported as a tornado, but it appears not to have reached the ground. This photograph was taken near Helston. It appeared to drift slowly north before dissipating. [7] Graham Easterling Penzance [8] Flooding at Gulval (above) and Penzance funnel cloud (below),

    Rainfall: 18th; Torquay, Great Hill 41.8

    Source: COL

  1. 2009-04-24 South West

    [1] Rain also spread into SW England later in the day, where it turned thundery with Camborne reporting thunder after 1800GMT. [2] Place Penzance: 24th/25th - The rainfall recorded in Penzance between 2300GMT on 24th and 0900GMT on 25th was 65.2mm. A further 22.9mm fell in the following 12 hours. An analysis based on the rainfall radar [3] indicates the area west of St Ives had typically about 170mm with a maximum of 193mm about 4km SW of the town. Zennor had 136mm, where sadly there were 3 fatalities. [4] St Ives: There was extensive flooding in St Ives, where several shops and properties were severely damaged. [5] The flooding occurred just 3 weeks after a £10 million flood scheme was completed. Worst hit was Tregenna Place where shopkeepers said they would withhold council tax. EA said the scheme had prevented the R Stennack from overflowing but the flooding was the result of surface water. [6] On 24 April 2009 a severe storm affected West Cornwall. The worst hit areas were Zennor and St Ives, with many streets and properties under water. At Poniou near Zennor there were 3 fatalities when a car was washed off a small bridge. On the Coastal Path 7 footbridges were washed away. Two hotels, the St Ives Bay and Chy an Albany were flooded and the Primrose Valley was also affected. [7] Place Zennor: At Tinners Arms water burst through the doors and carried stones and debris

    Rainfall: Penzance 65.2; Camborne 34.0; Mawnan Smith 30.4

    Source: COL;; West Briton 27 Apr



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