Village News

Christmas Lights

After the repeated boastings of the Hayle club about being champions of the west

Date: 1852-09-10
171 years 36 weeks ago

CRICKETING - A correspondent writes - after the repeated boastings of the Hayle club about being champions of the west, &c., a considerable degree of surprise has been produced in consequence of their non-acceptance of the challenge of the Camborne club, to play a friendly game on equal terms for a ball.

Our correspondent further informs us, that the present club at Camborne has never been beaten by the Hayle, although the old club consisting entirely of different players was, some years since.

He says the Camborne club will now decline playing with gentlemen capable of giving such an uncourteous and ungentlemanly reply as that of last week, and of so far degrading this noble game as to offer to play for a pound a bat, a proceeding which if adopted, could not fail to remove that friendly spirit of emulation which the usual matches produce, and substitute for it jealousy and ill-will.
